

Irish artist, Terry Bradley is best known for his dramatic portraits, capturing the emotions of strong female characters and Belfast’s working men. Terry learnt to paint surrounded by the brutality of the troubles and its effect on those around him. He uses his talents in much of his work to bring light to the positive and negative emotions that we battle daily. His artwork is largely inspired by men of the docklands and shipyards, capturing the honorable, workers and residents of Sailortown, who appear as reoccurring characters throughout his art.

Most recently, Terry’s Artwork has featured in Kenneth Branagh’s 2022 ‘Belfast’ Film. As Northern Ireland’s celebrated artist, Terry’s influence, and his iconic ‘Docker’s Rest’ painting, perfectly reflected an aspect of life for working class families, setting the scene for the movie’s true to life storyline Terry has quickly become a ‘Belfast Icon’, as named by schools across Northern Ireland, where classes of children are learning what art can look like from someone who grew up without an education in art.

He has long been open about his own mental health struggles and how he uses artwork as a form of therapy. This has been what has attracted so many to his work and created a community among his followers.

Terry’s roots in North Belfast have led him to work with cross-community youth groups, encouraging them to lead their lives through their passion and not be held by social boundaries. 

The young adults in these groups have played a large role in the installation of artwork around Belfast, sharing their visions for future art and expression, while inspiring peace in the areas. His constant commitment to break the stigma around mental health struggles has seen him working with local prisons and charities such as Action Metal Health, McMillan Nursing and PIPS, a group set up to support families who had been affected by suicide, a growing epidemic among young men.

Terry’s roots in North Belfast have also led him to work with cross-community youth groups, encouraging them to live their lives through their passion and not be held back by social boundaries. The young adults in these groups have played a large part in the installation of artwork around Belfast, sharing their visions for future art and expression, while inspiring peace in the areas. He uses his art backed with the turbine of social media to raise awareness of their causes, while supplying necessary funds for development, breaking boundaries in the art scene and drafting a new narrative for how artistic expression can be used to raise awareness of mental health struggles.
